Programs at a Glance

We host over 100 programs a year, from small-sized executive forums to large-sized industry conferences; from one-day meetings to five-day schools. Each year, our programs bring together over 5,000 energy professionals. Simply put, we offer something for everyone in the energy industry.z


Over 9,600 instructional hours this past year.

Over 5,000 program participants this past year.

We offer over 100 programs each year.

Get to know industry experts from all over through our many networking opportunities.

With mentoring, schools, trainings, and webinars, we offer several ways to help career development.

We foster a collaborative environment for participants to exchange ideas.

Hear from industry leaders and innovators and be on the forefront of industry knowledge.

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Hands-On Relay School

Meets annually in March. A truly unique educational experience, offering students the opportunity to network with and learn from leading experts in the field of system protection to exchange ideas, resolve problems and learn preventative and corrective methods through hands-on labs. Eight tracks are available: Basic, Distribution, Transmission, Generation, Electromechanical, Automation/Integration, Computerized Relay Testing and Theory. Students also attend six hours of open classroom lectures covering system protection topics, where they can select from 12 topic choices. This program is designed for relay technicians, electrical/power plant technicians, engineers and protective relay test specialists. The school is sponsored by Western Energy Institute. CEU credits available.
Skills Development

Incident Management + Organizational Resiliency

Meets annually, month varies. WEI’s ICS Leadership program brings together utilities from the US and Canada to share best practices, provide practical information on ICS training and implementation, and learn of initiatives at the federal, state and local levels. This annual in-person program is open to anyone.

Northwest Electric Meter School

Meets annually in August. Quality technical training spanning the basics of metering theory, AMI and high-end meter applications offering students the opportunity to network and learn from leading experts in the field of metering by developing skills, to exchange ideas, resolve problems and learn through hands-on labs. With over 66 years of operation, the school curriculum addresses the need for quality technical training with six tracks available: Single Phase Metering, Polyphase Metering, Solid State Metering, Advanced Metering + Communications, Hot Topic Roundtable/Supervisory and Substation/Generation Metering while also integrating fresh technological trends and perspectives. This course is designed to serve metering apprentices and journeymen in the electric utility industry. Students should select their preferred track according to their level of experience. CEU credits available.

Power Quality School

Meets biannually in June + September. This course provides students with the fundamental skills to facilitate, quantify, investigate, monitor and solve electrical system problems. Content is taught by industry experts through a combination of presentations, exercises and unique hands-on labs. Building these skills allow utilities and their customers to save money in avoided equipment outages and damage, costly improper solutions, damage claims and lost production. CEU credits available. This program is designed for utility technicians, engineers and managers in the private sector to provide hands-on experience and practical information that can be applied to troubleshoot, prevent and solve power quality and reliability issues
Skills Development

Professional Development Series

Meets multiple times throughout the year. This suite of programs provides energy and service company employees with professional development tools, resources and experiences to be more effective leaders. Members will learn new skills through facilitated information from experts in the area of focus and will interact with other members to practice new skills and build a network. Courses are typically delivered virtually over a four hour period. Example topics include; leading through coaching, negotiating to create value, and emotional intelligence.
Skills Development

Utility Fundamentals + Insights

Our Utility Fundamentals + Insights courses adopt a fresh and interactive educational platform providing attendees with a deep understanding of how the electric and gas utility industries work, and an improved awareness of their own roles within their organizations. Participants also acquire a broad comprehension of critical issues affecting the energy industry, as well as the interplay between utilities and stakeholders. UFI courses are available as both open courses and through some WEI member companies. Learn More
Skills Development

WEI Webinar Series

Meets multiple times throughout the year. In this constantly changing environment of the energy industry the webinar offerings provide you the opportunity to stay engaged and updated on emerging topics along with staying connected with leading industry experts The various webinars will be a collaboration with energy and/or service company providers on a wide range of timely and relevant topics to provide value to our members

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Western Energy® is the voice of Western Energy Institute’s volunteers and members, providing best practices, solutions and conversations about the most pressing business and operational challenges facing the energy industry serving the Western United States and Canada.

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WEI hosts over 100 programs each year, serving over 5,000 members, so there’s plenty of options to get involved. Rather you’re attending your first event, a seasoned committee member, or one of our all-star sponsors, there’s something for everyone.
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