Richard Kiser

Richard Kiser is the Integrity Management supervisor for Dominion Energy’s DEUWI gas distribution company headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has 15 years of experience in the industry and nine years of experience in integrity management. He was selected in 2013 to lead the development of the distribution integrity management program, which lead to supervising both the transmission and distribution integrity programs. While in this role some of his accomplishments included leading the development of a new subject matter expert risk process, expanding program performance metrics, adding intelligence to the leak reporting process for improved data quality, expansion of Management of Change process, and tripling the number of piggable miles in the inline inspection program. He earned his Master of Mechanical Engineering and MBA from the University of Utah. Richard is also licensed as a professional engineer in the state of Utah. He adores his beautiful wife and 5 kids and loves spend time with them.

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