Todd Ryan

Todd Ryan, Director of Regulatory Affairs and Founding Chair of the WATT coalition, is working to ensure that Smart Wires’ technologies can be adopted in electricity networks around the United States. Todd’s career has centered around developing new energy technologies and speeding up their rate of adoption. Todd previously worked for Beacon Power, a flywheel based energy storage provider, and was involved in developing new market rules for energy storage. This includes tariff and business practice manual changes in New York ISO, MISO, and ISO-NE and worked to get incentives for fast and accurate frequency regulation providers (FERC Order 755). Todd has a Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University and researches the economics and operations of electricity networks under high penetration of renewable generation. Specifically Todd is interested in removing unintended barriers to adopting novel energy technologies. Todd has also developed fuel cell and fuel reforming technologies after receiving his B.S. in chemical engineering from Tufts University in 2005.

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