Western Region Mutual Assistance Agreement (WRMAA) – Resources

Background on the Western Region Mutual Assistance Agreement:
At an Emergency Response Workshop in Reno, Nevada on October 23, 2002, hosted by the California Utilities Emergency Association (CUEA), the need for an agreement that transcends the boundaries of California was identified. A task force including representatives from Avista Corporation, Intermountain Gas Company, NorthWestern Energy, NW Natural, Portland General Electric, Puget Sound Energy, Sierra Pacific Power/Nevada Power, Southern California Edison Company, Terasen Gas Inc., and The Gas Company was formed, representing WEI member, non-member, electric and gas companies. This group, using the CUEA Mutual Assistance Agreement as a model, developed the WRMAA. The legal, operations, audit, contracts and emergency preparedness departments of several utilities reviewed the agreement, and it was executed by the signing of two parties on November 14, 2003. The agreement is designed as a tool for all gas and electric utilities throughout the Western United States and Canada.

Western Energy Institute Custodianship:
The development of the agreement was facilitated by Western Energy Institute, which will continue to provide support and expertise to all involved parties as the custodian. This is provided as a member benefit. Since the potential value of the agreement increases with participation, non-members are encouraged to become parties. Non-members of WEI will be billed an annual administrative fee to equitably share administrative oversight.

WRMAA Member Company Territory – Attachment A
Request WRMAA Companies and Contacts – Attachment B
WRMAG Executive Committee Contacts
Western Region Mutual Assistance Agreement
Request WRMAG Charter
Request WRMAG Operating Procedures
Sample Letter Requesting Assistance
WRMAA Attachments A-F

If you’re interested in becoming a signatory to the Western Region Mutual Assistance Agreement, please contact Beverly Woolf.