Daniel Stevens

Daniel Stevens joined Accenture in March of 2018 and currently leads the North American practice for utilities emergency management. Prior to his current role, Daniel worked for over 15 years in Emergency Management at both the Federal Emergency Management Agency and at Southern California Edison. While working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Daniel lead a major overhaul of the Agency’s internal qualification system by revamping the training, education, and exercise programs.
Within the electric utility industry, he has helped numerous companies to design and develop emergency management and resiliency program capabilities. These efforts encompassed both traditional emergency management such as response planning, training and exercise development, and risk mitigation, but also identifying more advanced technology-based solutions using analytics to help inform restoration priorities.
Daniel has spoken at numerous conferences and published several articles on resiliency and emergency management in the utility industry, but what he is most passionate about is the operational and response work. Through his experiences at FEMA and SCE, he has supported the response to many disasters across the country.

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